A Pix-elated Party! [Progress #5]

Hey everybody! The sickness is worn off and I’m back to recording! This was the last part I had done before I got sick, but I posted it yesterday because I finally finished editing it.  Expect both halves of Aqua Star this week, and the other worlds in the near future! Instead of doing an upload every Tuesday and Saturday, I’m now just going to upload 2 videos a week on any given day I have time. I’m shooting for Thursday and Saturday, but that’s not a concrete schedule. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is I’m back and BUTTER than ever! Let’s Play some Kirby 64, people!


It Would Be A Snap! [Retro Revival #1]

Did you ever play Pokemon Snap as a kid? If so, you probably remember how amazing the game was, despite its out-of-left-field concept. It was really enjoyable, and a great way to pass time.  But Nintendo has never made a sequel to it, despite fan clamoring for one for years now.  And all the technology to make the perfect sequel is right in front of Nintendo’s faces. Continue reading

I Just Can’t Stand That Guy! [SS Connections #1]

Okay, we all know there’s always that guy or girl that when you see them you just think “Jeez, I hate that person!” (Admit it, we all know a few people that make us feel that way.) And characters in games are no exception. Continue reading

Nintendo’s Murky Future: Is iOS The Answer? [SS Opinions #7]

So one solution being thrown around to Nintendo’s current issues is the topic I discussed in the last SS Opinions, which is a combination-console where it’s both a home console AND a handheld.  But some are saying there’s a more immediate answer that could help Nintendo, and that is diving into the smartphone game market. Continue reading

Nintendo’s Murky Future: Combo-Console Possibilities? [SS Opinions #6]

In the near future, the heads of Nintendo will sit down and have to discuss the future of their company.  With the successes of the 3DS and 2DS, and the not-so-much-success of the Wii U, Nintendo will have a tough decision to make: What’s next? Continue reading

Trying Something New [SS Opinions #5]

It’s a new year today.  This means, of course, that most people are resolving to do something new or better to better themselves and those around them.  But as we all know, most people fall off the wagon before the end of January.  But I have made a pledge that I will try my hardest to stick to, and that is to try new games. Continue reading